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  • 執筆者の写真Japan IVO



本日は午前8時30分より、IVO室にて4例(MWA 3例、RFA 1例)のライブデモンストレーションを実施しました。

その後、昼食をとりながらのランチョンセミナーでは、9月末まで当教室で研修をした小宮山先生(山梨大学)が「IVOにおける人工胸水・腹水および治療支援」のレクチャーを行ないました。 さらに、各施設から持ち寄ったアブレーション困難症例のケーススタディを行いました。受講者より多くの質問が出て、活発な議論が行われました。 また、大学院生のAmina先生が英語で”EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines–Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma”のレクチャーを行いました。


Today, November 2nd, the 14th Domestic IVO training program finished.

The second day started at 8:30 am with a live demonstration of four cases: one case of RFA and three cases of new-generation MWA. The afternoon program started with luncheon seminar by Dr. Komiyama who gave a lecture about artificial ascites, artificial pleural effusion and other techniques in IVO. Then difficult to ablate cases from participants’ institutions were presented and discussed, followed by presentation of  similar cases in Juntendo hospital by Dr. Komiyama. Dr. Amina Bolatkan (Ph.D. student in our department)  also gave a presentation on “EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines–Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma” in English. After a short break, Prof. Shiina gave his final lecture on future possibilities of ablation therapy.

Finally, we held the conferment ceremony in the IVO room. All the participants were very proud to receive their certificates from the hand of Prof. Shiina. The big smiles on the ending group picture reflect how satisfied everyone was after these 2 days of learning and exchange about interventional oncology.

(写真 はクリックすると拡大します)(Click to enlarge)

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