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  • 執筆者の写真Japan IVO

5th International IVO Training Program: Testimonial from Dr. Thazin Than

5th International IVO Training Programに参加したミャンマーのThazin Than先生からTestimonialが送られてきましたのでそのまま掲載致します。

The 5th International Interventional Oncology (IVO) Training Program at Juntendo University is an excellent training program which provided an avenue for all participants to learn about RFA and MWA techniques. It was very good, educative and informative and the training really improved my skills. The overall organisation of the program was good and it has been interesting and brain storming. Prof. Shiina demonstrated RFA and MWA cases very well for HCC patients. We can learn different methods and different approaches to do RFA and MWA from live demonstration cases. I gained valuable insight during this training. I’m going to recommend this training program to others.

Dr Thazin Than Consultant Radiologist Myanmar

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