Japan IVO

2020年5月16日1 分

(Eng Ver.) APASL COVID-19 Webinar “How to Manage HCC Patients?”

On 6 May (Sat),  Prof. Shiina gave a lecture in the title of “How to Manage HCC Patients?” at APASL (Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver) Webinar.

APASL has been carrying out “APASL COVID-19 Webinar,” since April on management of liver diseases under the pandemic of the novel coronavirus.

Prof. Shiina gave a presentation on Session 5, “How to Manage HCC Patients?”

With Prof. Yokosuka (Professor Emeritus, Chiba University) and Prof. Rino Gani (Indonesia) as a moderator,  Prof. Shiina gave a 20-minute lecture, followed by a 20-minute Q & A session. The Webinar was total of a 45-minute.

The lecture will be posted on the APASL Website and APASL Official YouTube.
